Best Price Guarantee

Istanbul Homes ® list all properties with their moderate and best prices in terms of the "Best Price Guarantee" principle on the website. Our principle ensures that every property buyer pays the exact value for the property.

Best Price Guarantee | Istanbul Homes ®Value of all properties are checked by our office managers and property supervisors with the techniques as follow:

• Checking other properties for sale on the same building from different sellers
• Checking the biggest database portal for the estimated appraisal report
• Comparing the property price on other property portals
• Controlling the price on other real estate agencies' websites

If you notice a higher price on our website than on another platform, we guarantee that will be applied an extra 1% discount from the commission we receive in a possible sales agreement.(Read more about Different prices on different websites)

Verified Price

Verified Price | Istanbul Homes ®Whenever you see this "Verified Price" badge, you may be sure that this property price is verified directly by the property owner. We put this badge if there is price dirtiness on internet platforms.(Read more about the Verified Price badge.)